30 March 2023
It will be an intense day of sports!
On Monday, April 10, the 40th Uovo d’Oro Lauretana, the classic giant slalom that closes the racing season on the Vialattea slopes, will be held in Sestriere. The first races are scheduled to start at 9 a.m.
They will compete on the Alpette Olympic slopes and five tracks will be set up to best meet the different needs of the various categories competing. The Sises 2 slope will be reserved for the Allievi, the Sises 3 for the Ragazzi, the Kandahar G.A. Agnelli to the Cuccioli, the Standard Slope to the Baby , finally the Super Baby 2 slope will be assigned to the youngest competitors in the race, belonging to the Super Baby category.
At the end of the competition all participants will receive the traditional chocolate egg.
In the afternoon there will be a cheerful and colorful parade of all the Ski Clubs through the streets of Sestriere. The meeting point is in Piazzale Kandahar (opposite Casa Olimpia). Starting at 1:30 p.m. each Sci Club will collect its identification sign and at 2:00 p.m. the parade will begin.
At 2:30 p.m., the awards ceremony and drawing of fantastic prizes for athletes, coaches and Sci Clubs will take place.
Registration closes Thursday, April 6, at 2 p.m.